I've been very busy lately with
editing my 2nd book of poems. However,
every now and then, I like to take some
time to do some kind of art. This I find is
very relaxing to me and it is always
great to be creatively inspired.
I've been practicing on my iPhone
with manyndifferent programs from
the app store. I really like this
particular app because you can choose
the colors, brush, and different
ways of using each selection.
This one is from an app called
"Brushes". I will have to try painting
with some acrylics one day...
this is good practice, I hope... lol ... it
will be different with actual paint
and media! I'm sure I will have even
more fun and inspiration... there will be more
room than a tiny screen to paint on!
lol Have a wonderful day and hopefully
you will do something you love...
Take care... <3 db